Monday, January 19, 2015

Blog Moved

So I decided to move to WordPress... Erm... Just because... These old blog posts will still be here and also in my new blog.

Thank you Blogger, it has been a great many years.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Rants

Bla bla bla.. Seriously.. I've realized many of my posts are me and my emotions going kapow kapow! If this goes any further I'll have to rename of my blog to "The Ranting Blog, welcome to Jacquelina's rants".

I know, I know, I complain, a lot. But it's better to write it out, let it out, and cringe at it many years from now, than keep it all in and one day either go cuckoo or kaboom!

Currently 6am, -13 Fahrenheit. Fingers and toes are still as frozen as icicles. Welcome to Minnesota Jacquelina.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


7:30am, my alarm rang, but I was already up for more than 2 hours. By now, my brain was already wide awake. Well, that's because, I woke up at 5am, disorientated and lost, wondering for a moment where I was. It dawned on me that I am in America now, which is thousands of miles away from home.

Staring at the ceiling, I tried to get more sleep. Something that I've done every night felt completely impossible right now. It was probably my insomnia again or it could just be the jet lag or maybe the fact that every part of my life was set on replay in my mind at that very moment, which brings me back to the first conclusion, insomnia, yet not quite. As the song of my life replays in my head, I tried to sleep, again. Nope, not working.

Most of the replays are about the last few months or even moments spent at home before starting the long journey. I remember I was in a kind of freak out mode. How does one get used to these sudden climate changes and lifestyle? What if things don't work out? Will I ever see you again? Etc. I was so scared. Yet now that I am experiencing it, it doesn't feel as scary as I think it is. We all fear the unknown, yet it stirs in us a weird excitement for adventure.

I guess it isn't insomnia after all, it's that excitement for adventures that woke me and kept me up. It was also the thing that has brought me brought me out from fear to here. On this bed, so close to the ceiling, trying to sleep at 5am, in the cold, cold Minnesota, wide awake from the thirst for more adventures and fears of the unknowns. Waiting for the sun to rise and the day to start. It's going to be a good day.