Tuesday, December 27, 2011


In Biology, He was born without normal conception.
In Chemistry,He turned H20 into wine.
In Physics, He defied the law of... gravity by
ascending to Heaven.
In Geography, He stilled the storm of the sea.
In Law, He reduced the scribes to babes.
In Economics, He disprove the law of diminishing
returns by feeding 5000 with five loaves of bread
and two fishes.
In Medicine, He cured the sick without a single
dose of drug.
In Philosophy, He dazed the Pharisees and
Sadducee s with parables.
In Banking, He discountenanced the banking vault
and produce money from the mouth of a fish.
In Education,He was a Professor at the age of 12.
In History, He is the beginning and the end.
In Mathematics, He is 3 in 1.
In Engineering, He is the link between man and
In Military strategies, He defeated death on the
In Governance, He is KING of kings and LORD of
lords. HIS NAME IS

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


It does frighten me sometimes when I realize I really don't know where I'm heading in life but it is this feeling that makes me all the more look towards to tomorrow because only through this process I will be able to uncover my story in life.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Fretting The Future

Oh no!!! A year just passed like in a jiffy!!! Next year I'll be facing exams again!!

This year I felt as if studying didn't exist and exams barely mattered.... That's because I didn't take it seriously... But guess what, when I started to take studies more serious, I found out that I've missed out on much, too much.

I'm now quite afraid of every step I take, fretting what will happen next, but regretting I didn't sometimes.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Shattered pieces of trust,
That would have never began to rust,
was broken down by betrayal,
Lies all over the floor because humans weren't loyal,

Each crack brought me suffering,
Each sharp tip leaves me grieving.

Someone innocent and guiltless,
might trample upon your brokenness,
And in the end the both of us,
will get hurt by it because I was careless.

But you needn't do it alone,
Jesus will help you through His throne,
So glue it  back with forgiveness,
For He did on Calvary taught me unending mercies.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Please.. Stop... Just Stop!!!

I hate arguing, I terribly hate it!! My family(involving the 2 generations above me which lives in Seremban, excluding those living else where), is always arguing over the construction in their shop. Every time they go somewhere to eat or maybe even at the shop or house, they will either complain, argue or talk like super loud as if the contractor is right in front of them. Me being the "what-do-you-know" teenager plugs my ears into my iPod and immerse myself into music but the sound still gets in... Yup~ that's how loud they're talking... And yes, my iPod is on full blast...

I try so hard not to get involve in their worthless arguing but they can go on about it for hours. So, what do I do? Shut myself up by either sleeping, studying or reading... None of those worked though, well, maybe the sleeping worked, for awhile. I gave up acting like their not there and ended up making myself not there... Which means I go out and stay out and away from the screaming and shouting. Filling my day with events like going tuition, going out with friends, attending a Saturday youth fellowship in an unfamiliar church (my favourite part)...

Staying away is sooo much easier because I have fun in these events and the time pass super fast compare to ignoring arguments. I notice I rather go school and be lifeless than staying at home listening to negative and worthless and annoying arguings...

As i type this my grandparents are arguing over the toilet and the kitchen... Great... That's just great... I wish it would stop... Seriously~ Is this what life is all about? Only arguing? Is that what you people call life? PLEASE~ STOP!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Forgiveness, I'm Trying...

You gave me hope, you told me I could when I already knew I couldn't. I believed you, but it was you who gave me hope, who shattered  my hope with your words. The shattered pieces pierced deep wounds in my heart. I pulled them out, but the wounds are barely healing cause I'm trying to forgive but I haven't fully forgiven you.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Me Vs Mosquito!!! *Zap~~*

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!! I've been woken up by mosquitoes on each and every of these days at precisely 3am in the morning!! Their even more punctual than I expected!!

I could not sleep at all!! I thought I was going to faint from exhaustion but I didn't, I just fell asleep during class, that's all...

I've tried all types of methods to kill, chase away and prevent the mosquitoes. Apparently, I failed badly, getting only 3 hours of sleep every night!

My head felt like a nail being hammered on for everyday of these sleepless nights, even if I had insomnia I would be able to sleep at least 4~5 hours!!

I gotta go zap some mosquitoes now!! Adios!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Be Thankful!

I always think this way:
 "How come, some people who are the same age as me but they can live such a better life than my life?" 

But then, I suddenly though of this line of this song:
 'Dear Mr. God,
Tell me do You ever cry
When we forget to thank You
For the good things in our lives?'

And I too, wondered, if GOD ever cried when we forget to Thank HIM... Then, I started to think like this:
"How come some people are the same age as I am, but they live such a hard life?"

We must be thankful, try changing your perspective of your life. Sure, they are a lot of UNNECESSARY things other people may have but you don't, so? You have a lot of NECESSARY things that other people don't, did you know that?

Do you have:-
-a shirt on your back?
-food on the table?
-a fan/air-con?
-ears to hear and eyes to see?
-confident that [if no accidents happen] you will still be alive the next second?

If you answered a 'yes' 1 of these questions then you have a reason to thank GOD!! 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Ephesians 5:20

Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

You don't have to thank GOD for performing a HUGE miracle. You can even thank GOD for being able to read this! Be thankful in whatever you do!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Not Now? Then When?

I went to the library with a few friends the other day, although my exams were over, I went there cause I had nothing else to do.

It's frustrating how full the library is every time I go there and we'll end up in the children's zone. Yada, yada, yada, as usual, we went to terminal 1 for lunch. 

It was raining super duper heavy, but we were too hungry, well actually only I was. We ran all the way there. By the time we got there, we were soaked to the soul.

Long story cut short, I saw a blood donation there. No wait, I didn't see it, someone was like "Excuse me, do you want to donate blood?" At first, I wanted to, but I told myself 'Nah, I'm too young, maybe next couple of years until I'm 18 first. By the way, I'm super hungry now '

At first we went to KFC, but then we decided to go to the food court. doodled around a bit, went to buy present for a party later on, then went to guitar store to buy a new capo, I lost my old one and a B string, cause I broken it the day before. After all the hustle, we went window shopping and finally back to the library.

Short story cut shorter, on the way back to the library, I saw a old man, I think he was blind. He was sitting on the street with a box full of small packs of tissue and a basket with a little money. I thought of giving him the money that was left in my wallet after the shopping spree, but I was holding too much stuff and my wallet was tight and deep in my pocket and we were walking very fast. So again i thought 'Next time, I see someone like him, I'll give.'

I totally don't feel proud of myself, the reason why I'm writing it here is to tell myself, I must do it next time and I'm never too young.

Jeremiah 1:7
But the LORD said to me,
“Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ 
You must go to everyone I send you to
and say whatever I command you.

And sometimes, there are no next times, I could have bid a dear friend of mine her last farewell. See the sand clock picture? You can't stop it or let back up unless you turn it around. So, not now? Then when?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Favourite Hiding Place

When I was young, I used to hide under tables, behind doors, under blankets, but my favorite then hiding place was standing behind my parents. 

As I grew up, I hide from my parents and my favorite hiding place then was under lies, letting them pile up on top of me, until they pile up automatically.

I finally found my favorite hiding place, not under lies, not behind my earthly parents but under the wings of my Heavenly Father.

Psalm 32:7
You are my hiding place;
   you will protect me from trouble
   and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Facebook, I Can Live Without You

2007 was the year i activated my Facebook account, at that time, there was no reason for me to go check it everyday or even every week sometimes. Since the beginning of the 2009 holiday, I got attached to Facebook without noticing it myself. 

Only when my school started in 2011, I noticed I've become inseparable with Facebook. As soon as I get home, I will literally run to the computer and turn it on. Impatiently waiting for the it to start up, a click on Firefox, then Facebook. 

Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing on Facebook, there is like absolutely nothing for me to do except scan through the news feed looking for something to comment about. Then I can just scan and scan and scan until 2am. Super senseless right? 

Just by thinking back, I can't believe I did that everyday! That's why I am currently fasting Facebook. At first I told myself 1 week, but then I thought that I should fast it for the 40 days fast and prayer. 

Maybe you are also stuck with addiction to Facebook. So, why don't you join me and fast Facebook for 40 days? After this I'm sure the addiction will go away! Say it with me: FACEBOOK!! I CAN LIVE WITHOUT YOU!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

EPIC Day!!

WOW!! Epic is just the word for this day, epic planning, epic studying, EPIC!!! okay, okay, I'm trailing off. Back to the point, here's what happened.

It's Saturday, exam's on Monday, EPIC, and I was suppose to go to the public library early. My alarm rang, i shut it off, then continue sleeping. My friend called me to make sure i was ready cause she was going to pick me up. I literally sprang up, brushed my teeth and changed my clothes and do whatever i usually do in the morning in 5 minutes!! DOUBLE EPIC!!

My phone rang again, my friend told me to walk over to a cafe near my house, so we could eat breakfast there. When i got there, i almost didn't see them, luckily i did(almost doesn't count), if not that would be embarrassing. TRIPLE EPIC!!

By the time we got to the public library, it was packed! SUPER EPIC!! So, we switch from the adult's zone to the children's zone, after all we are still under 18. XD

Looking at the book from 10 am to 1 am is EPIC!! I thought I was gonna go crazy, luckily we went for lunch or I might have get a mental break down!!!

Lunch was EPIC!! The library was near Terminal 1, so we had KFC there, YUMMY!! But then it started to rain while we began eating, we were quite worried about getting back. As EPIC as the rain came, as EPIC as it left. 
Another 3 hours with the books!! Tried doing Additional Mathematics, then switched to Physics, then I ended up with my friend's iPhone in my hand. Yeah right! So much for studying, but I only play for a little while!! EPIC!!

My mom picked me up and dropped me off at church. Weng Ern was suppose to give me guitar lessons, he said I need to replace Nigel!! I was like EPIC!!

Worship practice started, I tried as hard as i could to keep up and I did it!! It wasn't easy, i couldn't hear myself and I tried following Auntie Peggy's beat, but she's a dynamic singer. I finally noticed in a really EPIC way that following the drummer was easier.

Full day of EPICNESS taught me how to spell: E.P.I.C. :P

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fear That Becomes Faith

Extracted from the book "In The Eye Of The Storm" by Max Lucado.

John Newton had served on the seas since he was eleven years old. His father, an English shipmaster in the Mediterranean, took him aboard and trained him well for a life in the Royal Navy.

Yet what John gained in experience, he lacked in discipline. He mocked authority. Ran with the wrong crowd. Indulged in the sinful ways of a sailor. Although his training would have qualified him to serve as an officer, his behavior caused him to be flogged and demoted.

In his early twenties, he made his way to Africa, where he became intrigued with the lucrative slave trade. At age twenty-one, he made his living on the Greyhound, a slave ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

John ridiculed the moral and poked fun at the religious. He even made jokes about a book that would eventually help reshape his life: The Imitation of Christ. In fact, he was degrading that book a few hours before his ship sailed into an angry storm.

That night the waves pummeled the Greyhound, spinning the ship one minute on the top of a wave. Plunging her the next into a watery valley.

John awakened to find his cabin filled with water. A side of the Greyhound had collapsed. Ordinarily such damage would have sent a ship to the bottom in a matter of minutes. The Greyhound, however, was carrying buoyant cargo and remained afloat.

John worked at the pumps all night. For nine hours, he and the other sailors struggled to keep the ship from sinking. But he knew that it was a losing cause. Finally, when his hopes were more battered than the vessel, he threw himself on the saltwater-soaked deck and pleaded, “If this will not do, then Lord have mercy on us all.”

John didn’t deserve mercy, but he received it. The Greyhound and her crew survived.

John never forgot God’s mercy shown on that tempestuous day in the roaring Atlantic. He returned to England where he became a prolific composer. You’ve sung his songs, like this one:
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
was blind, but now I see.
This slave-trader-turned-songwriter was John Newton.

Along with his hymn writing, he also became a powerful pulpiteer. For nearly fifty years, he filled pulpits and churches with the story of the Savior who meets you and me in the storm.

A year or two before his death, people urged him to give up preaching because of his failing sight. “What!” he explained. “Shall the old African blasphemer stop while he can yet speak?”

He wouldn’t stop. He couldn’t stop. What had begun as a prayer of fear resulted in a lifetime of faith. During his last years, someone asked him about his health. He confessed that his powers were failing. “My memory is almost gone,” he said, “but I remember two things: I am a great sinner, and Jesus is a great Savior.”

What more do you and I need to remember?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Selflessnes VS. Selfishness

The 1st Chinese character I learned how to write was “我” Which also means "I",  "me" or "myself". Then only I learned "you" and "we", see what they teach in life? They teach you to put yourself, in front of everything else. 

Selfishness means to denote an excessive or exclusive concern with oneself, and as such it exceeds a mere self interest or self concern.

When I was still a child, every time my friends borrow stuff from me, I would count 1 use as 1 sen. (I know, such a big fuss over such a small thing, right?) I was as selfish as any other children would be, children are like that they can't share are their things. When I got older, i was introduce to Selflessness.


Luke 6:27-31

[27] "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. [29] If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. [30] Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. [31] Do to others as you would have them do to you. 

 "What?!" you would ask, "LOVE someone who HATES you?" It's not an easy task, but it is not impossible. Jesus dies for us, on the cross while we still looked at Him with eyes full of hatred. This is what you call selflessness. 

2 Corinthians 3:18
So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord — who is the Spirit — makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.

The Holy Bible teaches us to walk in Jesus' footsteps and follow Him, so why can't we be like Him? We might not even have to die like He did.

Do not be a selfish person, but be a selfless person. Keep Luke 6:27-31 in your heart, and every time you see the person you hate, think of what Christ had done for you.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Why Did I Run?

I love running, but i am not a good runner, running makes me feel free. Ironically, i hate to run far distance. So, i took a challenge, to run a half marathon.

On the day, i was purely excited! I woke up at 4.10am, originally i wanted to wake up at 4.30am but i was SO excited i woke up before my alarm did it's job. Pek Sing picked me up cause my mom was too lazy to wake up. I reached there and i was still very excited!

After registering, i pinned on my number: K 3929 and guess what?! I saw my BFF, Colleen!! We did warm-ups together and acted like weirdo's together, I didn't care what people think, cause IT DOESN'T MATTER. Why not you choose? Having fun enjoying yourself and going crazy with your friend or having "fun" acting cool with your friend trying to look normal?! Which is more fun? I know my answer, do you?

The race was about to start, the guys went 1st, then only the girls, Colleen pulled me forward, the guys already started, i saw Kenneth, Timothy, Shaphan, Shaker, Ah Jie (he's a guy), Kah Wai and a lot more. The girl started 5 minutes later, me and Colleen was almost in the way front.

The gun shot went off, we started jogging, of course i can't sprint in the start, i would lose all my energy, i kept at a constant pace with Colleen. I started slowing down about 30 minutes later, passing by church and the fire station. Then i bumped into Shaphan or he literally bumped me, couldn't hear a thing he said with my ears plugged into my iPod. Colleen wacked him, like really hard. Then i slowed down too much cause i could take it anymore. Struggling to keep up with Colleen, i told her to run 1st.

Somewhere in between I bought a bottle of water, wrong move! You shouldn't drink water while running a marathon, water hydrates your body, making your body think it is time to rest. Then, i bought a 100 Plus, an isotonic drink, correct! you should drink isotonic drink while running. As time passed i saw Kenneth, Yuki, Audrey, Hui Hui (with her super-funny-wings-like hair) and then i saw Shaker. So looked around for Pek Sing but i didn't find her, too bad. I tried poking him, but he was 1cm too far apart. So i gave up.

To my surprise i reached and got a medal, but guess what i didn't know what place i got, cause i was too tired to hear, look or even ask. I saw Colleen, gave her a hug and collapsed!! Totally weak, i applied counter pain on my legs for they were shaking from exhaustion. Colleen ask someone to spray Salonpas on my leg and her's.

Then, me, Colleen and her brother, Timothy walked back to church all wet and stinky! By the time i got home everything below my waist felt extremely painful sores!!! But i DID finish the race. So it didn't matter, God helped me through it all. I wanted to give up, nevertheless I finished the race.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Who Am I?

This song really touched my heart!! 
Who Am I by Casting Crowns.

Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wandering heart.

Not because of who I am,
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling,
And you've told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.

Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again.
Who am I?
That the voice that calmed the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.

Not because of who I am,
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling,
And you've told me who I am.
I am yours.

Not because of who I am,
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling,
And you've told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.
I am yours.

Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
Cause I am yours..
I am yours..

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bible Knowledge Class!!

Everyone doesn't like Monday. Hence, they call it black Monday. 
Since 28th February 2011, my Monday was no longer black, it is now BK Monday!! With LOTS of gas....

 This is our teacher, Pastor Ranie, isn't she cute?

See the guy with dead fish eyes? That's Shaphan the court scribe, joking. He something like the class monitor around here.

 This is Colleen, my BFF, Opps.... she tried to take a picture of herself but failed.

Oh, give me that! Smile! yeah!! i did it!! That's me (left) with Colleen (right).
This is Yin Yun. Colleen's Twinie....

 This is William, but he left early today. So, i didn't get to take a picture of him, in the end I decided to use a picture from his Facebook.

The ceremony of giving the love offerings to Pastor Ranie.
 After BK class, me and Colleen went to Terminal 1.We became Angry Birds!! :-)

Finally bought a birthday present for Jason Lai.(Won't be writing about that until Saturday...)

My aunt went to check on (her brother's)my uncle's new house that's still under renovation.

I listened to a total of 7 songs while waiting for them!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

For Once, Then, Something by Robert Frost

Others taught me with having knelt at well-curbs
Always wrong to the light, so never seeing
Deeper down in the well than where the water
Gives me back in a shining surface picture
Me myself in the summer heaven godlike
Looking out of a wreath of fern and cloud puffs.
Once, when trying with chin against a well-curb,
I discerned, as I thought, beyond the picture,
Through the picture, a something white, uncertain,
Something more of the depths--and then I lost it.
Water came to rebuke the too clear water.
One drop fell from a fern, and lo, a ripple
Shook whatever it was lay there at bottom,
Blurred it, blotted it out. What was that whiteness?
Truth? A pebble of quartz? For once, then, something.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Road Not Taken by Robert Forst

Suddenly into poems again, i don't write poems, but i do enjoy reading them.....

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;       
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,       
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.       
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


FOOD!!! thats all that come to my mind!! i did expect SWIMMING POOL!!! but i didn't expect SAUNA?!!! Penang was awesome!!!!

Auntie Georgia has an apartment there, so we stayed there for free and she said whenever you go Penang, you can stay there. I was expecting "an apartment" but God was so awesome!! the apartment turn out to be "an awesome apartment!!!".

Oh, i forgot!! i must talk about this awesome experience, well not really awesome, just a "1st-time" experience. I took a 3 hour train up to Kuala Lumpur, by myself!! Praise Lord!! I did it, i bought my ticket, i found my train, and i boarded without getting pushed. The best part of all, i found a seat!!

Continuing with Penang, the food was awesome!! opps, i said that already... auntie Georgia's place is mostly filled with foreigners, lots and lots of them!!!

Aww man!! i ate sooooooo much, all i remember was food, can't remember what i've done there....

On the way back, mom's tyre exploded!! literally exploded!! i will upload the picture here when i'm free. We changed the tyre on the side of the highway road (NEVER EVER DO THIS!! IT'S VERY DANGEROUS!!). We were about 5 Miles away to Slim River. 

Once we exited the toll, there were a few tyre shops, we chose the closest. The boss there told us to go have a meal, he even drove us there. Wah!! the food was yummy, (not gonna explain it here, if not later you'll be drooling on your computer while reading this!!) tyre fixed!! and off we go!!

By the time we reached Seremban, it was already 10pm++ i SOOOOO sleepy!! then i think i went to sleep... *SNORES*

Friday, June 10, 2011

Conscious, Do You Still Have Any?

THIS, is a story that i don't like. I don't like to hear it, i don't like to tell it, or anything that goes with it, cause it just makes me plain sad, and i just feel so useless...

IT'S A TRUE STORY. It's about a girl, who i know (if you know her don't ask me is it her, if you think you know then don't ask if it is her, if you don't know at all then don't ask at all). She didn't like school especially the 5th day of the week.

IN THE START, her conscious level was 80%. She never rode a motorcycle before, but because she didn't want to attend school, she rode off with her boyfriend. 

THE FIRST TIME, she was scared, she didn't dare, she knew it was wrong but she still skipped school. (conscious level: 60%)

THE SECOND TIME, her fear subsidized a little, she still thought it was wrong. But once again, she skipped school. ( conscious level: 40%)

THE THIRD TIME, she has completely lost all her fear, she didn't think it as wrong anymore. (conscious level: 20%)

Soon, it became a routine, every 5th day of the week, she will ride off with her boyfriend. (conscious Level: NONE)

HAVING FEAR IS GOOD, you will be afraid of doing wrong stuff and it keeps your conscious from decreasing. But once your curiosity, hatred gets more than your fear then that is bad. That, is the start of the plummeting in one's self-conscious.

SO ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION, "Do I still have any conscious?"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Near Death Experience (I haven't finish my work here...)

I WAS REMINDED, of an incidence, that i could have lost my life but by God's grace i survived.

I WAS SO TIRED, waiting in the car at the bank for my aunt, grandparents with me. My aunt told them to go back first cause it might take a while but way before she said that i dozed off to sleep.

I WAS GASPING FOR AIR WHEN I WOKE UP, all i felt was heat, i forgot every single detail. All i knew was that i just woke up and i was in a car, a car that was completely off and sealed. I felt hot, sweaty and dizzy.

I MOVED, the car alarm was set off, my aunt came to check out why it rang and saw me in the car. My grandparents had left me there and had totally forgotten about me. She quickly got the car keys to get me out.

I COULD HAVE DIED, due to dehydration, i was in that car under direct sunlight for a few hours and I'm living to tell the story. I believe that it was by God's protection and miracle I'm alive.

I DIDN'T REALIZE IT UNTIL TODAY, 0n the 7th of June 2011, it happened more than 4 years ago (between 2007-2006) and yet i realized only now that i could have died then. Most people die due to this mistake and most of them have been in the car for a shorter time than me.

JESUS WAS AND STILL IS PROTECTING ME, He told me then and still is now, wake up! you haven't finish your work here, wake up and complete it! There are people you must protect and comfort, people who haven't known Christ YET, people still deep in sin. So, wake up! And finish your work.

A WORD OF ADVISE: Don't think you can slack off (die early), u have work yet to complete, so you can't go home to THE FATHER unless you finish ur work here, and when the day (JESUS returns or calls me home) comes, i can proudly hear my FATHER say 'Well done, good and faithful servant!'

Thursday, March 17, 2011

He knows how you feel....

A boy went into a pet shop, looking for a puppy. The owner showed him a box where he kept the puppies, he picked each one up, examined it, and put back into the box. 

After several minutes, he walked back to the owner and said, "I picked one out. How much will it cost?" 

The owner gave him the price,the boy promised to to be back in a few days with the money. "Don't take too long," the owner cautioned. "Puppies like these sell quickly."

The boy turned and smiled knowingly, "I'm not worried," he said. "Mine will still be here."

The boy went to work-weeding, washing windows, cleaning yards. He worked hard and saved his money. When he had enough for the puppy, he returned to the store.

He walked up to the counter and laid down a pocketful of wadded bills. The store owner stored and counted the cash.After verifying the amount, he smiled and said to the boy, "All right, boy, you can go and get your puppy."

The boy reached into the back of the box, and picked up a weak and skinny puppy with a limp leg, and started to leave.

The owner stopped him.

"Don't take that puppy," he objected. "He's crippled. He can't play. He'll never run with you. He can't fetch. Get one of the healthy pups."

"No thank you sir," the boy replied. "This is exactly the kind of dog I've been looking for."

As the boy turned to leave, the store owner began to speak but remained silent. Suddenly, he understood. For extending from the bottom of the boy's trousers was a brace-a brace for his crippled leg.

Why did the boy wanted the dog? Because he how it felt. And he knew it was very special.

What did Jesus knew that enabled Him to endured with us and do what He did? He knew how the people felt, and He knew that it was very special.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Don't drop on the second step!!

Today the youths had their 2nd YF, gosh i sound like i'm writing a report! Weng Ern took over because uncle Kai Yew had a wedding to attend.

Weng Ern shared about how Jesus sending away his disciples to spend time with GOD. Then the disciples got caught in a storm while Jesus was on shore. Then Jesus walked on water to them, but the disciples thought it was a ghost. After spending 24/7 with Him and they still didn't recognized Jesus (background effect: they got short-sightedness! seriously Jerry that wasn't funny)

Then, Peter took the first step of faith after Jesus gave him the green light. He stepped on water, first step, second step, blop!! an~d he lost it! Why? He stop focusing on Jesus but instead he looked at the obstacles around him. (Background effect: i thought Jesus hit Peter's blind spot! LOL! very funny Jeremy) Then Peter started sinking, and he cried out to Jesus to save him.

ok, enough cold jokes, the main point is that when we are facing obstacles, we need to ask GOD for help and also we must focus on him not the scary things in front of us, and the focus must stay. If not, first step, second step, blop!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Life? A Bed of Roses? Yes!! Definitely!!

Who says life's not a bed of roses?A bed of roses is full of thorns, and life's full of challenges and heartbreaks.

The thorns pierce through your skin and it stays there until you pull them out. Some thorns pierce through so deeply you can never get it out unless you use a needle to pick it out. 

To me, that needle is a metaphor for JESUS. When I sin or do something wrong and the consequences looks like there's no hope or when i feel guilty or sad or painful, i pray to Him. Whenever i pray, thorns are removed, i feel peace in my heart. It's like nothing matters anymore, cause I'm set free and the thorns are gone. 

Although i have to go through "the bed of roses"(life), i always know that He'll protect me from thorns. Sometimes, when i think that i can go through "the bed of roses" myself, i'll get hurt, but as long as i go back to the Healer and Protector, I'll be fine in the end.

So, the next time someone ask me: "You think life's a bed of roses ah!?"("ah" is Asian accent) I'll answer them: "Yes, of course!"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A family is bonded together by LOVE, not BLOOD.

Let me give you an example.
A rich family, father is a business man, mother is the head of some organisation, child who barely sees the parents, was taught by and grew up with a nanny.
If the child needs anything, she has to tell the nanny, and the nanny will tell the parents' secretaries, and then only the secretaries will tell the parents.
What kind of family is this? A family of only titles, father, mother are titles the child say to strangers. Son, daughter, are titles the parents says to a teenage they totally do not understand.
From what i see, i think the nanny and the child are more of a family then the parents and the child. Why? Cause the nanny loves the child and knows the child while child also loves and knows the nanny as well. (For those who love literature, this part is similar with Romeo an Juliet)

Let me give you another example.
A father who created the universe, and if earth was a golf ball, (Louie Giglio) we'll be even smaller than the tiny dust on it and the universe would be huge. I think you could go to Mon't Everest, put your golf ball there and loooook up and maybe imagine another 1 on top, thats the universe, or maybe only a small part of it.
But because of us, the not-even-bigger-than-dust-people-if-earth-was-a-golf-ball, he gave his only son, to die on the cross, to save us, the sinners so tiny yet so precious in his eyes.
He love us so much, he tied a string on each of us, when we go in too deep, he puts us out, as long as we ask him to. So why are we so stubborn? Thinking we can do things ourself without GOD?(ahem, going a little off track, going back to explaining FAMILY) This is definitely a family, with love bonding it together.