Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Facebook, I Can Live Without You

2007 was the year i activated my Facebook account, at that time, there was no reason for me to go check it everyday or even every week sometimes. Since the beginning of the 2009 holiday, I got attached to Facebook without noticing it myself. 

Only when my school started in 2011, I noticed I've become inseparable with Facebook. As soon as I get home, I will literally run to the computer and turn it on. Impatiently waiting for the it to start up, a click on Firefox, then Facebook. 

Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing on Facebook, there is like absolutely nothing for me to do except scan through the news feed looking for something to comment about. Then I can just scan and scan and scan until 2am. Super senseless right? 

Just by thinking back, I can't believe I did that everyday! That's why I am currently fasting Facebook. At first I told myself 1 week, but then I thought that I should fast it for the 40 days fast and prayer. 

Maybe you are also stuck with addiction to Facebook. So, why don't you join me and fast Facebook for 40 days? After this I'm sure the addiction will go away! Say it with me: FACEBOOK!! I CAN LIVE WITHOUT YOU!!!

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