Friday, August 26, 2011

Be Thankful!

I always think this way:
 "How come, some people who are the same age as me but they can live such a better life than my life?" 

But then, I suddenly though of this line of this song:
 'Dear Mr. God,
Tell me do You ever cry
When we forget to thank You
For the good things in our lives?'

And I too, wondered, if GOD ever cried when we forget to Thank HIM... Then, I started to think like this:
"How come some people are the same age as I am, but they live such a hard life?"

We must be thankful, try changing your perspective of your life. Sure, they are a lot of UNNECESSARY things other people may have but you don't, so? You have a lot of NECESSARY things that other people don't, did you know that?

Do you have:-
-a shirt on your back?
-food on the table?
-a fan/air-con?
-ears to hear and eyes to see?
-confident that [if no accidents happen] you will still be alive the next second?

If you answered a 'yes' 1 of these questions then you have a reason to thank GOD!! 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Ephesians 5:20

Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

You don't have to thank GOD for performing a HUGE miracle. You can even thank GOD for being able to read this! Be thankful in whatever you do!

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