Friday, August 26, 2011

Be Thankful!

I always think this way:
 "How come, some people who are the same age as me but they can live such a better life than my life?" 

But then, I suddenly though of this line of this song:
 'Dear Mr. God,
Tell me do You ever cry
When we forget to thank You
For the good things in our lives?'

And I too, wondered, if GOD ever cried when we forget to Thank HIM... Then, I started to think like this:
"How come some people are the same age as I am, but they live such a hard life?"

We must be thankful, try changing your perspective of your life. Sure, they are a lot of UNNECESSARY things other people may have but you don't, so? You have a lot of NECESSARY things that other people don't, did you know that?

Do you have:-
-a shirt on your back?
-food on the table?
-a fan/air-con?
-ears to hear and eyes to see?
-confident that [if no accidents happen] you will still be alive the next second?

If you answered a 'yes' 1 of these questions then you have a reason to thank GOD!! 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Ephesians 5:20

Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

You don't have to thank GOD for performing a HUGE miracle. You can even thank GOD for being able to read this! Be thankful in whatever you do!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Not Now? Then When?

I went to the library with a few friends the other day, although my exams were over, I went there cause I had nothing else to do.

It's frustrating how full the library is every time I go there and we'll end up in the children's zone. Yada, yada, yada, as usual, we went to terminal 1 for lunch. 

It was raining super duper heavy, but we were too hungry, well actually only I was. We ran all the way there. By the time we got there, we were soaked to the soul.

Long story cut short, I saw a blood donation there. No wait, I didn't see it, someone was like "Excuse me, do you want to donate blood?" At first, I wanted to, but I told myself 'Nah, I'm too young, maybe next couple of years until I'm 18 first. By the way, I'm super hungry now '

At first we went to KFC, but then we decided to go to the food court. doodled around a bit, went to buy present for a party later on, then went to guitar store to buy a new capo, I lost my old one and a B string, cause I broken it the day before. After all the hustle, we went window shopping and finally back to the library.

Short story cut shorter, on the way back to the library, I saw a old man, I think he was blind. He was sitting on the street with a box full of small packs of tissue and a basket with a little money. I thought of giving him the money that was left in my wallet after the shopping spree, but I was holding too much stuff and my wallet was tight and deep in my pocket and we were walking very fast. So again i thought 'Next time, I see someone like him, I'll give.'

I totally don't feel proud of myself, the reason why I'm writing it here is to tell myself, I must do it next time and I'm never too young.

Jeremiah 1:7
But the LORD said to me,
“Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ 
You must go to everyone I send you to
and say whatever I command you.

And sometimes, there are no next times, I could have bid a dear friend of mine her last farewell. See the sand clock picture? You can't stop it or let back up unless you turn it around. So, not now? Then when?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Favourite Hiding Place

When I was young, I used to hide under tables, behind doors, under blankets, but my favorite then hiding place was standing behind my parents. 

As I grew up, I hide from my parents and my favorite hiding place then was under lies, letting them pile up on top of me, until they pile up automatically.

I finally found my favorite hiding place, not under lies, not behind my earthly parents but under the wings of my Heavenly Father.

Psalm 32:7
You are my hiding place;
   you will protect me from trouble
   and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Facebook, I Can Live Without You

2007 was the year i activated my Facebook account, at that time, there was no reason for me to go check it everyday or even every week sometimes. Since the beginning of the 2009 holiday, I got attached to Facebook without noticing it myself. 

Only when my school started in 2011, I noticed I've become inseparable with Facebook. As soon as I get home, I will literally run to the computer and turn it on. Impatiently waiting for the it to start up, a click on Firefox, then Facebook. 

Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing on Facebook, there is like absolutely nothing for me to do except scan through the news feed looking for something to comment about. Then I can just scan and scan and scan until 2am. Super senseless right? 

Just by thinking back, I can't believe I did that everyday! That's why I am currently fasting Facebook. At first I told myself 1 week, but then I thought that I should fast it for the 40 days fast and prayer. 

Maybe you are also stuck with addiction to Facebook. So, why don't you join me and fast Facebook for 40 days? After this I'm sure the addiction will go away! Say it with me: FACEBOOK!! I CAN LIVE WITHOUT YOU!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

EPIC Day!!

WOW!! Epic is just the word for this day, epic planning, epic studying, EPIC!!! okay, okay, I'm trailing off. Back to the point, here's what happened.

It's Saturday, exam's on Monday, EPIC, and I was suppose to go to the public library early. My alarm rang, i shut it off, then continue sleeping. My friend called me to make sure i was ready cause she was going to pick me up. I literally sprang up, brushed my teeth and changed my clothes and do whatever i usually do in the morning in 5 minutes!! DOUBLE EPIC!!

My phone rang again, my friend told me to walk over to a cafe near my house, so we could eat breakfast there. When i got there, i almost didn't see them, luckily i did(almost doesn't count), if not that would be embarrassing. TRIPLE EPIC!!

By the time we got to the public library, it was packed! SUPER EPIC!! So, we switch from the adult's zone to the children's zone, after all we are still under 18. XD

Looking at the book from 10 am to 1 am is EPIC!! I thought I was gonna go crazy, luckily we went for lunch or I might have get a mental break down!!!

Lunch was EPIC!! The library was near Terminal 1, so we had KFC there, YUMMY!! But then it started to rain while we began eating, we were quite worried about getting back. As EPIC as the rain came, as EPIC as it left. 
Another 3 hours with the books!! Tried doing Additional Mathematics, then switched to Physics, then I ended up with my friend's iPhone in my hand. Yeah right! So much for studying, but I only play for a little while!! EPIC!!

My mom picked me up and dropped me off at church. Weng Ern was suppose to give me guitar lessons, he said I need to replace Nigel!! I was like EPIC!!

Worship practice started, I tried as hard as i could to keep up and I did it!! It wasn't easy, i couldn't hear myself and I tried following Auntie Peggy's beat, but she's a dynamic singer. I finally noticed in a really EPIC way that following the drummer was easier.

Full day of EPICNESS taught me how to spell: E.P.I.C. :P