Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dear Sweetie King of Roaches

There's this good looking, "perasan" fellow that I know(part of this starting was suggested by him, credits!). We really fill each other up, like puzzle pieces. You're passive, I'm active. You're quiet, I'm noisy. You're careful, I'm reckless. Etc. Etc.

Our characteristics contrast against each other so much, that sometimes I like to wonder how did you ever survive life until now(because I still have this childish mindset that if I live this way most of the people live this way too, but you don't even know how to speak in mandarin, how did you live?), and sometimes I ask God what is His purpose of you ever existing in my life. God, is very slowly unveiling the answers, it's taking a while but God's timing is always perfecto.

Your appearance in my life has changed me, made me grow and learn, intentionally and also unintentionally. You taught me to be me. You taught me to be less selfish and more selfless. You taught me to judge less and forgive more.

You taught me to live, not like it's my last second on earth, but to live, without regret. You taught me that life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. You taught me, what I could never have learnt on my own.

I've once heard, that an angel, does not necessarily have to have a halo above the head and a pair of wings to fly but an angel has to be able to be the wings of someone to help them fly(accomplish/realize their dreams).

Thank you, for being my guardian angel. Thank you, for everything. :3 (but of course there are still times where I wanna hit you to check whether you are real because you're counted as one of the rare Malaysians I know that can't speak mandarin and you are still alive. Yea, I think I'm a bit hyper now. Xp)

P/s: You told me you would be sad if I left, but now I'm not leaving. At least, not that far. ;)

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